Traveling by train? Let's get you to the station hassle-free!
Italo and Uber together simplify your travel experience
Unlock Exclusive Savings Now!
If it's your first time using Uber, take advantage of an exclusive promotion!
Book your first ride with Uber through Italo and unlock 50% discount on 5 rides, saving up to €15 each!
Enter Promo Code UBERITALO50 in the Uber app to take advantage of the promotion.
Relax and discover a new travel experience with Italo and Uber.
Enter Promo Code UBERITALO50 in the Uber app to take advantage of the promotion.
Relax and discover a new travel experience with Italo and Uber.
Offer valid only with booking through Italo. Offer valid in the cities of Rome, Milan, Turin, Naples, Bologna, Florence, Padua, Treviso, Verona, Vicenza, Venice. Use the promo code by logging into the Uber app and clicking on Account, then Wallet, and finally Add Promo Code.
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